Location: Newport News, Virginia
Time: 11:20 p.m.
Description: I'm me. And I'm determined. But that means nothing if I have nothing to strive for. It's time to stop being a baby and move on into the real world. No more playing, no more jokes all the time. Time to take initiative. Goals have never gotten me anywhere, so no more goals.
No should.
Humor is my blessing and my curse, but it is not my destiny.
And whatever I do, it will be unto the Glory of God and His Kingdom.
From today on, I am a different person.
To get where I need to be, I will do what I have to do.
This started when my Dad and I talked about what my long term goals were.
I'm in my prime and it's time I optimize my time.
Optimus Prime.
Okay, so maybe a little humor is in order.
Now let's move on.
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