Thursday, September 9, 2010

September 9, 2010: SUPER NIKKI TO THE RESCUE!

Location: Newport News, Virginia
Time: 2:30 p.m.
Description: You are looking at my hero, my friend and one of the only coworkers that helps me in my new department. Nikki Brinkley is a LIFE SAVER! I'm new to cashiering and counting money, because I haven't been a cashier in 3 years, and I don't like to keep paper money. I keep a card and just monitor my bank statements. In the learning state that I'm in, Nikki catches my mistakes and helps me correct all my transactions that I mess up on! She doesn't fuss or get angry at me like I know this stuff by heart, and is always lending a helping hand! I DON'T TAKE YOUR HELP FOR GRANTED! GO SUPER NIKKI!

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